Friday, November 18, 2011

Weight Loss….
Have you heard these dreaded words from your doctor:   “You’re overweight.  Losing weight would improve your ____________.”  The blank could be filled in with blood sugar, blood pressure, mobility, quality of life, mood, self-esteem, and many other things.  We all know that losing weight will improve our health.  But, how do we do it?  Our lives are busy and we can’t hide in a cave (with a personal trainer and personal cook) for a year as we work to shed those unwanted pounds.  Still, we know it is high-time we took charge of our health. 
At Tiger Town Pharmacy, we can help you take charge of your health and achieve permanent weight loss.  Our weight loss program revolves around weekly meetings with a pharmacist, where you’ll weigh in and learn about healthy nutrition and lifestyle change.  Meal replacement shakes are incorporated for 13 weeks.  During these 13 weeks, your knowledge about healthy nutrition grows.  We’ll track your progress as we watch the pounds, inches and percent body-fat decrease!  At the conclusion of the 13 weeks, you’re ready to build in real, everyday food into your life.  You’ll be well on your way to your weight goal, but more importantly, to a healthy, permanent change of lifestyle.  Your new lifestyle will promote decreases in fatigue, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol, while boosting your energy, mood and self-esteem.  Call us today at 706-335-0099 to find out when our next class begins.  The “new you” is just around the corner!